Here are my mom's parents with their great grandsons (yes we need to have a girl!). In the picture from top to bottom, left to right are my grandmother, my grandfather, Bryant, Isaiah (my cousin Jr.'s son, Jr. passed away last year. We miss him so much), Eli, and Max. This was taken at Bryant's Welcome Home party one week after his birth.
This was taken Sept 7.

I wish he knew my dad's parents. My grandmother, Maria, just passed away last December six months before he was born. She would have been so happy to know that I had a son.
I also wish he would have met my great aunt Tachita. I miss her so much.

Here is Bryant with Phil's mother's mother, Kay. Since she wasn't able to make it to the Welcome Home party, we decided to take him to visit her at the convalent home she lives at. We got their around 8 p.m. to find everyone asleep. We didn't know if we should wake her up or just go home. Phil went to her room to find her "watching" the Olympics, so we decided to wake her to see Bryant. We are glad we did. She was so excited to see him. We, also, took her a picture of Bryant and us. We were very nervous to place Bryant on her to take this picture because she is so fragile. She was born in 1918, she turned 90years old around the time of my baby shower!