The 4th of July Weekend:
The weekend started on Wednesday for me... Courtney asked for me to take some maternity pictures for her!! I am so excited to have a
guinea pig practice to take portrait photos. We drove around several places in Long Beach, and decided on the Japanese Gardens. This is a preview/practice shot we did the actual photo shoot a few days ago. Now I just need to find someone to take my maternity photos =)
On Friday, we went out for dinner with my parents to BJ and Bryant refused to go home with us. My parents kept him over night. They came over for dinner on Saturday. Bryant kept telling them that he didn't want to go over to our house, but wanted to stay at "Bryant's House" aka my parents house.
On Sunday, I completely forgot that it was Sunday and we didn't go to Church. I was suppose to be there to help with the Children's Liturgy. Instead we had breakfast and then the guys (Phil and Bryant) went to go play "golf" in the morning. Phil said that Bryant did a great job chipping on the green but his putting needs improving...hmmm maybe he could get a golf scholarship for college, but it is too early to tell. For me it was nice to have a quite house even though it was only one hour.
Then Sunday evening Dana, Kurt and the girls came over for burgers, and hot dogs at the pool. It had been really warm on Friday and Saturday, so we thought it would be nice to invite over a few friends to cool off at the pool. However, it cooled early on Sunday and we were actually freezing. The water was warm so the kiddos didn't want to get out of the pool because it was warmer in the water than outside.
Monday (4th of July) we went to the Bike Parade on Belmont Shore. Last year, we walked the ride while the boys "rode" their bikes, although it was more like my dad and Phil pulled and carried the bikes. This year we convinced my dad to ride his bike and have Bryant in the trailer.
After the ride we went to Seal Beach for breakfast, and walk around the pier. When we got back to the condo we tried to put Bryant down for his nap but he refused.
Crazy Sh** Bryant says/does:
(Note: Phil is taking over to tell Phil's story:
I know that Bryant is not stupid, he is moody, difficult, and stubborn but not stupid. Bryant learns lessons from when I discipline him, not always the right lessons, yet I can see that he is learning. This weekend I was working on stopping his hitting problem. I put him in the corner when he hits Carmen, Tri or myself and I am trying to be consistent in doing so. I tried to put Bryant down for a nap that afternoon so that he could make it through the late night, his response, lightly hitting me and then telling me "no hitting Bryant in timeout for 2 minutes." Seriously I had to work very hard not laugh at him. I wish he would put that determination in staying up to getting potty trained. Oh well, he's learning just not the lesson I want him to... (end Phil )
Then in the afternoon we headed over to the Calderon's house for bbq, pool, and fireworks. Bryant was excited to get into the pool, but got bored quickly and wanted out within a few minutes and sat down to eat instead. It's cute to see Bryant and Tyler playing together two kids who don't share playing with one set of toys always makes for good entertainment..
Bryant was not scared of fireworks (not that it should surprise me since he isn't scarred of anything i.e. heights, animals, etc unlike me). He actually wanted to hold the sparklers.
I was excited that I got to practice with my camera. I got this great idea from
DigiScrap 101 and the fireworks photos came out great!!