The next Thanksgiving event was with Phillip's Japanese family ...
We are so grateful that we are a part of his family!! This year it was celebrated at Nise and Jeff's home. They are so generous in hosting it at their home. They even rented a bounce house for the kids to play outside. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking photos until it was later in the evening so I didn't get photos of many of the family :( especially the little kids (i.e. Bryant, Natalie, Ty - who is not really a little kid but was outside taking care of the little ones, and Chris' two boys) who were outside jumping the whole time.
Nise and Donna, her mom, so such a great job preparing so much food!! Sorry not the best photo of these beautiful ladies, but let's just say that they didn't get a minute to rest and have their photo taken.
I did however take a photo of Donna's beau who did get to rest :)
I also got a ton of photos of the no longer baby boys...but I didn't want to post of photo of William. I feel that I have so many photos of him that you might want to see another little boy instead. This is Zander, Nise and Jeff's little guy. He had a big goose egg on is forehead and injury on his nose :( because he is walking everywhere, unlike William who refuses to walk. Why should he, he has a sucker for a mama that carries him around everywhere. (I totally regret not buying a new baby carrier, but I just assumed that he would be walking at 10 months like Bryant. I had heard that kids aren't the same, but I didn't believe it until now.)
Totally forgot to take a photo of baby Trent, until Trevor and Jenny left back home to Palm Desert. Must remember to take photos first, then sit, eat and be merry!!
In Case You Missed It | March 07
1 day ago