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...family, friends, photography, scrapbooking, running, dining out...
It is his 6th month birthday. Now I know how other parents felt when they used to see Bryant as a newborn and say that they remembered when their baby was a newborn. During mass on Sunday, a lady had her newborn 6 weeks old, and I could not stop myself from saying “I remember when my baby was a newborn, it seemed like it was just yesterday” as she was looking at my little guy holding his own bottle, while her baby was sleeping through mass.
But he is still so cute…my little pumpkin...
(First off I would like to say, "sorry Dad no pics on this post")
What are your New Year's Resolutions?
Are you keeping them?
I finally decided to post mine on rather than keeping them a secret. Apparently if you let others know about your goals you are more likely to follow through with them.
1. Lose 20 lbs- I decided that I really need to lose 20lbs (and no it isn't baby weight I am back to where I was before I was pregnant.) I also want to run a 1/2 marathon this year, maybe the Long Beach. --So far I have been taking a lunch into work daily, but I need to workout. I think I need a workout or running buddy;)
2. Travel - Phil and I really don't have the money to travel somewhere far like
4. Hang out with Friends-I also having been felling somewhat depressed more like sad after having Bryant. I felt like I was all alone with no friends here in
Maybe I could do two resolutions at the same time such as travel with friends, travel to another city to run a half marathon, or take the Bar in San Fran(but would I enjoy San Fran? maybe not.)
Share your resolutions on your blog or on the comments section.