Wow, time flies by fast when you are having fun. I can't believe we have been married for 7 years, and I still haven't finished scrapbooking our pictures from our "reception".
We decided to have some R&R time in Palm Springs. Bryant was of course so sad to see us leave.... It makes me wonder if he will be like us and oh so excited to leave for college...

Although we had a late start, we still got to Palm Spring around 3pm. We decided to go to the River for some ice-cream and walk around. I don't know what possessed Phil but he really wanted to take a picture with the hog.

We went out for dinner at Falls restaurant. We had been recommended there by the locals; because of they had great martinis and steaks. It was a perfect combo for the two of us. The martinis were great, they put dry ice into the drink to make it smoky, it was so alluring that Phil even had one with me. We had their baked oysters as an appetizer, and it was delicious.

However, once we were about to eat dinner Phil was about to order his steak when he asked the waiter what he recommended. The waiter said that the lamb was the best. Phil went against his want of steak and order the lamb. I should have done the same, because the lamb was perfect, although my steak was also superb.
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