Thursday, August 13, 2009

Man v. Food...

The eating contest went great. I will let Phil talk about it. Here are some of the pictures from the event. More on my shutterfly website.

This is Phil getting ready to start...

Each plate had 5 tacos on it. Phil finishing his second plate, and about to start his third plate.

Taken after the event. Bryant was going crazy that his dad was eating and not sharing. I should have bought a taco for Bryant inside, but I didn't want to miss any part of the event. I had to give Bryant to Phil so that Bryant could eat a taco after they counted Phil's tacos.

Are you ready for some footballl?

Oh yeah, Mexico won yesterday!!!

Just kidding...not that Mexico won, but I am talking about Football, not soccer.
I can't believe the first pre-season game of the Raiders was today!! YEAH, (I am more excited than Phil, Edgar, and my uncle Rigo). I get several hours to scrapbook and Phil gets to "watch" Bryant while watching the game. This is so much better than the Lakers games that are only 2 hrs. Football games last forever...the last 5 minutes alone could last half an I got Bryant ready for tonight's game.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday

Okay, I decided to start documenting my weight...I know it is hard for me but Bryant just turned one, and I still haven't lost the weight. Enough is enough. I joined Weight Watchers, and plan to eat healthy dinners. Starting weight was 153 on March 2. I am only down to 146. I have stayed at this same weight since June 24. I know that it was difficult to stay on course while I was studying for the Bar and the week of the Bar, but that was 2 weeks ago, what is my excuse now? I run quit a bit, although it does show. I always wonder how big I would be if I didn't run. I think I need to do some changes... like exercise more regularly instead of when I remember or when I "feel" like running...and eat clean at least 6 days a week instead of "celebrating" with dessert or ordering my favorite fish and chips every time we eat out. Any suggestions?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Supreme Court Justice...

Sonya is the first Hispanic female...=) Very proud day for me. Even as a little girl I have always wanted to be a tax attorney (I know I am not the type, I don't like brown suits). Luckily, my parents encourage me to be whatever I wanted. When people would say to them "are you pushing your daughter to be an is a very difficult job...she is only going to be married and have kids why does she want to go through all that school?" My parents would just say "she can be an attorney if that is what she really wants to be." Although they encouraged me to be whatever I wanted, I really couldn't get any advice from them or their friends, none were attorneys. I always wished I knew a Hispanic female attorney growing up to mentor me. I am so excited that one glass ceiling has been broken...even if she is a democrat.

PS...still looking for an estate planning/tax attorney mentor...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Picture Friday

Liz and I went Shop Hopping to different Scrapbook stores in LA. We had a great time. We went to about 13 stores in total, but didn't notice that three of there were closed when we got there (either we got there too early or too late). This Friday we are off to OC and SD's scrapbook stores. There are a few in the IE that we want to see soon, but we haven't choosen a date. Liz is going to Santa Barbara on Saturday for her anniversary, and is going to be stopping at a few stores on the way. Yep I'm jealous, that I have to be at work instead. Liz is going to post the pictures of us at the different stores on her blog. I have bought so much new stuff, I have to get scrapping soon. Anyone want to join me, for scrapping and a glass of wine at my place?

----As for the picture----

Phil, Bryant, and I went into our pool on Sunday, and then decided it would be a great idea to have a pool party the following Sunday and invite the family. These are pictures our of us hanging out at the pool.

We had the pool party on Sunday...too bad my mom had it work, budget time at the government. My dad, my grandparents, Liz, Eddie, and the boys came down and had a great time. Phil grilled burgers and hot dogs. I also forgot to bring my camera, but Liz took pictures. Hopefully she will have them on her blog soon.