Sonya is the first Hispanic female...=) Very proud day for me. Even as a little girl I have always wanted to be a tax attorney (I know I am not the type, I don't like brown suits). Luckily, my parents encourage me to be whatever I wanted. When people would say to them "are you pushing your daughter to be an is a very difficult job...she is only going to be married and have kids why does she want to go through all that school?" My parents would just say "she can be an attorney if that is what she really wants to be." Although they encouraged me to be whatever I wanted, I really couldn't get any advice from them or their friends, none were attorneys. I always wished I knew a Hispanic female attorney growing up to mentor me. I am so excited that one glass ceiling has been broken...even if she is a democrat.
PS...still looking for an estate planning/tax attorney mentor...
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