My grandparent's 55th Wedding Anniversary Party. Here they are re-newing there vows in front of the priest. My parents were their matron of honor and best man.
My mom's club board installation dinner at a Moroccan restaurant. Courtney is getting her palm read in the picture. I also got my palm read (this was my first time, and I was very nervous) and she said somethings that were true and others that were not, and a few predictions...we will see if they are true...
We were also invited to the Wherry's house for a fun barbecue. Here is Bryant going to town. This was also when Bryant feel in love with Julian's train table, and Julian realized how much he loved his train table. The girls Misty Rain and Jordan had a great time in kiddie pool. Jordan kept insisting that Bryant stop playing with the trains and join them in the pool, but that didn't happen. Phil also thought he was going to show the kiddos how to play soccer, but that also didn't happen. We did have a great time!!
Bryant and Julian started taking swimming lessons. Julian took to going to the "beach" well and really enjoyed it. Bryant however, took about a month before he started liking his swimming lessons. It also didn't make it any easier that his instructor left to study abroad just as he started trusting him in the water, and started all over with a new instructor. It is going very well now!!
Fourth of July was a very busy day for started at the bike ride for the little ones in Belmont Shore, that was a very long walk for parents. My sister made these cute hats for the three boys. Eli and Max did really good riding along the whole route. Bryant didn't my dad had to pull him through most of it. Misty, Jordan and Julian also attended, but were there for moral support!!
In the evening we went over to Phil's family for some barbecue as usual and for the fireworks. It was really special this year because Bobby and Stacy came over from Colorado to visit. It was really great to see them. The picture on the left is Bobby and Stacy's new baby boy Brandon born on Feb 11. The picture on the right is Ty and Bryant sitting on the back of the SUV watching the fireworks. Below is a picture of Bobby and Stacy's little girl, Allison.
On July 20th was Bryant's 2nd birthday. We celebrated by going to BJs. And yes he had his own pizzookie (pizza/cookie) and ate it all by himself!!! We has is party at Mother's Beach and I forgot to take pictures ;( When I was going to the birthday was in no mood for his picture. It was great to see everyone, but it was very crowded that day in Long Beach with the dragon boat races, and a cycling fundraiser going on. It was also a little chilly so thanks to everyone who made it out, we had a great time!!!
On July 31 we went to Knotts Berry Farm for Phil's company picnic. If you remember, the last time we went to Knotts Bryant was 2 weeks old for the company picnic. And no, Phil did not get his new job because his old job stopped having company picnics at Knotts it was a coincidence.
We also went to the OC Fair with Julian, Celeste, Anna, Niki, and Jordan. Jordan was not fond of the cows and pigs so we didn't stay to long with the animals. They also rode on the horses, which was the first for Julian (who go the biggest horse), and Jordan. Of course being at the fair, dinner was everything fried, yum but too much! The kids had so much fun on the rides until one ride that Bryant and Jordan really wanted to go on because it was bumble bees. When they got to front they were not tall enough to ride,so they were not allowed on. Funny because they were allowed on all the other Bryant and Jordan both started crying...Niki and I were stocked, I asked Bryant if there was another ride he wanted, he pointed to the Ferris wheel. Great! I am afraid of heights!! So to please the kiddos I got on, and as Anna said later, I regretted it. I was holding on for dear life, and Bryant kept swinging it to see Jordan. But we did have a lot of fun there...even though it was pricey.
It was my mom's birthday so we went to the Elephant Bar for dinner. Bryant of course helping grandma with her birthday cake and ice-cream. 
It is a month of birthdays...This is Abby's and Audrey party. The picture is of my mom with Bryant eating all the watermelon and Abby and her grandma, i.e. my aunt Lucy. The picture on the right is of Max and Eli, they whole time Bryant is eating there were on the waterslide having fun and getting wet.
We had so much fun at Bryant's bday! Thanks for inviting us!
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