Wednesday, January 14, 2009

something in the water...

There must have been something in the water last year because a lot of my friends and family had babies.
Pictured from left to right isRosio, who had a baby in December, Laura, who had Sophia in September, and myself who had Bryant in July.  This picture was taken at Laura's graduation party in June.   

These party gifts are from Clara's Baby shower.  Clara also went to college with me.  Her shower was in October, and she had her son in December on her birthday!! This is really funny because she did not like her birthday being in December, it was either finals or vacation time and either way no one could join in the festivities.

As for my family... my cousin Monica had her daughter Julia three weeks after Bryant, and cousin Joshua and his wife Melissa had their daughter a few weeks ago.  This picture is from the baby shower I had for her .